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` The offering´ cocktail table är ett monolitiskt bord och är resultat av vårt samarbetet med den svensk baserade australiensiske designern Glen Baghurst.  Glen har inspirerats av forna kulturer och deras användning av offerbord för mat, dryck och gåvor. Bordet är tillverkat av solid diabas och tillverkas endast i en begränsad upplaga.

-” Jag bestämde mig för att urgröpningarna i bordet skulle vara som små abstrakta kärl, likt de forna offerborden. Jag ville inte bestämma i förväg vad som ska serveras på detta bordet för jag tycker om iden där finns vissa ritualer inblandade med de specifika kärlen och de redskap som man använder, som tex ett japansk Te set eller rysk kaviar set av kristall.”  / Glen Baghurst, Designer

Pris: Vid förfrågan

Design: Glen Baghurst

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The Offering table | Design: Glen Baghurst

This monolithic table is made from one piece of Swedish Diabase, a material prized by Japanese sculptors for its ability to achieve a rich depth of blackness. Offering tables were used by ancient cultures to place offerings in small vessels carved into the table. This table has been created to allow you to present your own prized offerings and enjoy them in this life.

One large piece of premium Swedish diabase is cut to size. It is then split in two and shaped by diamond cutting tools. The stone is then worked by hand  to create the shape. The stone is polished to a finish known as satin, which was selected by the designer Glen Baghurst as its gives a nice lustre but is closer to a matte finish commonly used in sculpture.

The offering table
”The decision was made to make the carvings in `The Offering´ table small and abstract as a representation of the vessels that are found on the surface of ancient offering tables. Baghurst did not want to dictate the type of things served on this table like he did with ‘The Champagne Table’ because he liked the idea that there are certain rituals involving specific vessels and tools that one might use. For example a Japanese tea set or a Russian crystal caviar set.” Designer / Glen Baghurst

`The offering` is made in limited edition.

Design: Glen Baghurst / https://www.glenbaghurst.com/

For more information contact us: info@kullaro.se

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Ytterligare information

Dimensioner 103 × 40 × 37 cm